Spiritual Life Coach

Tag: Mind

Clear negative energy

How to Clear Negative Energy Away

Negative energy is generated through our inner workings (beliefs, thoughts, feelings), and our forms of expression and interaction in the world. We can create our

Overcome Excuses

7 Buts You Must Kick in the Butt

Your “buts” do not serve you, and it is absolutely time to give them a kick in the butt! Your “buts” limit you. They hold you prisoner.


Ignite Your Self Healing Mechanisms

Discover how your body’s healing capacity is linked to the relaxation response in your brain. But more importantly, discover how the stress response (fight/flight mode


The Mind Behind Your Health

I distinctly recall a time about 6 years ago when I was really busy, running around like a headless chicken with work and other commitments.

seeing all possibilities

Horris the Blinkered Horse

There once was a horse called Horris. Horris was very hungry. He wanted fresh, lush, green grass. If he was really honest, he actually wanted

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