Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

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Podcast Episode 2: Your Soul Purpose – 2 Easy Ways to Identify It

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Here are 2 ways to reveal your unique soul purpose, as part of your overarching soul plan, using my Footprint Method.

When you know your purpose, it brings fulfillment and magic to your life. Without purpose, we end up feeling anxious and adrift, disconnected, directionless, and we can end up feeling depressed. All sorts of flow-on challenges and emotions and existential angst arise when we are without purpose.

So let's solve that right now in this episode.

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3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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6 Responses

  1. Thank you B I found your session on the footprint method illuminating yet simple that combination is special as we live in quite complex times which often demand an exhaustive amount of our resources and energies, I also liked the stages of healing growth and contribution it made practical sense of taking control of those things we know sister but cannot place our hands on though you say it like we can mould these important aspects of our purposes like clay , bringing our journey closer to our hearts true desire, your footprint lesson helped me to realise that the psychology degree which I am currently finishing was part of my purpose in life although I tried and failed during my 30s and have been in doubt of it being to late to have taken back up at my age know is actually what I am meant to be doing.
    Thank you for your wise and powerful help

    1. Hey Donna, I hear you! Thank you for sharing your words here, and yes… it’s NEVER too late. Even when our small self and then noisy mind bring up doubt, remember, doubt is not the voice of your soul. In stillness, go below that doubtful noise, and connect into the truth of your soul Self, and she will guide you to the next step that is highest good for you. With love! Bx

  2. Hi B,

    I really enjoyed this episode! I’m going to start reading the book and apply the exercises. You mentioned something very important that touched my heart. I’m aware what looping pattern has been playing during all these years in my life. It feels like being trapped inside this loop and not finding the exit, in the meantime I still enjoying this pattern and continue doing it. Not remorse or guilt!
    This makes me think about what past lives I had and what episodes continue playing over and over again in my present life.
    I am a happy person, but these patterns have been more remarkable in my life lately. I still wonder what’s my life’s purpose and how this looping patterns are affecting my contribution in this current life?

    1. Hi Addie, yes I totally hear you. Many see the loops they are caught in as “wrong” or “bad”, when in fact these looping patterns are a loving call home to the soul we are, and a mechanism or vehicle for our soul growth and healing and feeding into our evolution, wisdom and contribution. Wherever, with whatever, we struggle in this life is usually where our biggest leaps are available to us, and where our deepest wisdom can come from, shine and once the “foe” is turned to an “ally” we’re able to harness it to our advantage! Think about purpose as all encompassion, including the learning/healing/growth through those looping patterns, what is part of purpose from a soul perspective… not the looping, but the growth that comes from seeing and evolving beyond it, mastery of soul lessons. Usually where we are looping like this, is where we are also holding ourselves back from playing a bigger game in our lives, expressing ourselves more authentically, giving our gifts more fully, so in that sense soul lessons and soul contribution go hand in hand… as we follow one into fullness, so it expands the other. If we ignore and contract in one, it perpetuates blockages in the other. The book will give you a complete picture, and this will make more sense once you go through the exercises and see it all in the context of your life journey and soul plan and purpose. Reach out anytime! Bxx

  3. Thank you so much!!
    I can totally relate to disconnection you talk about.
    I have bought the book, and hope to dive into it.

    1. Hi Sharon, I hear you and so glad this resonated and love to hear your thoughts and insights as you read the book. Reach out anytime. Much love! B

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Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author and the Founder of Soul Odyssey. With over 12 years of experience working with clients both 1:1 and in groups, she helps women to reconnect and align with their soul for a life of purpose, fulfillment and magic.

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