Private 1:1 Spiritual Life Coaching & Mentoring with Bernadette Logue

Get to the True Root Cause of Any Issue You're Facing

AND Receive Practical Solutions to Help You Move Forward Confidently

Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach


Bernadette has successfully worked with clients across the globe for over 12 years. Book private mentoring for your timezone now.

“Having already completed several coaching sessions with Bernadette, I must give testimony that she has led me to make some big transformations on both a personal and professional level. B is very intelligent, acutely perceptive and will quickly guide the session to hone in on what is really important and will then intuitively provide guidance and a new perspective that will blow you away! Implementing her action plan for me has started a transformation in me that has been nothing short of spectacular! I would highly recommend booking a session with Bernadette; she will exceed your expectations tenfold!”

How Bernadette Can Help You

Spiritual Growth & Soul Alignment

Get spiritual guidance for your journey, to live aligned with your soul. Understand how your soul is speaking to you, how the Universe is guiding you on your journey, how to reclaim all parts of yourself, and how to cultivate and strengthen your spiritual connection in daily life.

Beliefs, Thoughts & Mindset

Discover what limiting beliefs you have that are holding you back in your life, and be guided on how to rewire your mindset powerfully. Following simple processes you can create a paradigm of positive beliefs, learn how to manage your thoughts in daily life, and hone a mindset that supports your peace, happiness and success.

Self-Love & Confidence

Create a new relationship with yourself, based on self-love, self-acceptance and genuine confidence. Be guided on how to let go of what is blocking you from embracing who you really are, and tap into your inner power.

Stress & Overwhelm

Receive a practical action plan for how to shift yourself out of stress and overwhelm – addressing the situation at all levels, including your mind, your body and your circumstances. See the power you have within you to completely change what is going on – to be peaceful, effective, productive and happy.

Taking Action

Discover the mindset adjustments you uniquely need to support you with taking action. Plus receive an action plan and the inspiration/motivation to spark you into consistent, targeted action that will directly produce the results you want.

Creating Change

Receive the support and tools to create positive change in any area of your life – relationships, love, career, business, money, health or lifestyle. Discover how to hone your mindset to manifest outcomes, as well as how to nail down a practical action plan that will bring about your desired results.

Career & Business

Get guidance for your career or business, drawing upon Bs extensive corporate business background and Human Resources expertise – supporting your work direction, fulfillment, decision making and guiding you on how to navigate challenging situations. Fly at your highest potential professionally.

Letting Go of the Past

See your past in new light and learn how to make peace with it, understanding the essentials for letting go and moving on. No matter how intense or attached you are to what has happened in the past, you are positioned perfectly right now to free yourself and create a fresh new future filled with inner peace and happiness.

Dealing with Emotions

Identify the root cause of difficult emotions, and learn how to release them whenever they arise, in a healthy, effective and quick way. Reclaim calm, confidence and a sense of control in your life.

Anxiety & Fear

Receive simple, practical and powerful processes for overcoming anxiety and fear in your daily life. Understand what your mind and body are doing when you’re anxious and fearful, how to interrupt these feelings, and how to rewire yourself for calm and confidence no matter what is going on around you.

Decision Making

Cut through any overwhelm, concerns or confusion when it comes to making important decisions. Be guided to zone in on the most important factors for your decisions, and see how to balance the facts, your logic and your intuition to confidently make the best possible decisions for yourself and your life.

Health, Healing, Weight & Body Image

Receive practical support for how to use your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, energy and intention to positively impact your body, weight and health. Get the keys to self-healing, confidence and positive body image. Plus utilise a daily action plan and rituals to ensure you are practically doing what is necessary to be healthy and well.

Love, Relationships & Communication

Navigate love and relationships in intimacy, in your home life, family, social network and workplace with ease and grace. Receive step by step guidance on how to address difficult situations, conversations and conflicts. Be the person who positively impact others through your mindset, energy, words and behavior.

“I have been coached by B on numerous occasions, usually when I am going through a milestone event (starting a new business, having parenting issues etc). With the pandemic, I thought about it, but as I was seeing my clinical psychologist, I held off. After experiencing minimal results with my psych during the lockdown, I decided to go with B as I always feel her recordings offered and action plan always give me a clear plan to implement and steps to take with self-empowerment. Wow! I have been seeing my psych since March, and the effects were limiting and underwhelming. I just kept experiencing uncertainty and anxiety. One session with B in September, and I feel I have my power back, and a map to do so! My only regret is not seeing her once my intuition guided me to. B is a diamond and has a knack for getting to the root issues, in seconds! A decade with my psychologist, seeing him 4 times a month never got me to the place that ONE session with B did. Now I’ve shined a light on the core issues and have the believability that I will overcome this. Thank you B! You are not of this world.”

– Private Coaching Client, Australia

Accessible, Flexible & Powerful Results

Are you dealing with any of the following…

Spiritual Life Coaching

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then B is the person to leverage you forward powerfully. She is recognized for the speed at which she pinpoints and addresses the root cause of issues for people, providing targeted and practical solutions to address them. She has proven experience producing tangible results for clients, and specializes in her own unique methods for transformational Spiritual Life Coaching & Mentoring, which will be customized to your specific needs through private 1:1 work with her.

Book Your Mentoring Package With B

Customized Support

Get the support you need, unique to your needs and move forward with confidence.

Imagine would it would feel like to be free of the past, free of internal limitations, and to have a genuinely empowered and positive mental and emotional state. Imagine living each day with clarity about your soul, your life path, your direction, your challenges and the vision for your life. Imagine being able to create inner peace, balance and happiness no matter what your circumstances.

“I love Bernadette’s videos, website, and coaching sessions. I felt comfortable and safe talking with Bernadette. I really needed to clear some head space so I could calm down and be effective and make progress at work. I also have issues with my own body image. Bernadette helped with both of these issues, to clear them (the blocks) and to think differently with an action oriented plan that was suited for me. Bernadette is attentive, compassionate, and understands many various struggles. I’ve gotten more valuable insight from Bernadette’s coaching than I have from my therapy sessions which were expensive especially for weekly sessions. I look forward to Bernadette working with me in future coaching sessions. A true light!”

– Private Coaching Client

Who is B? What is She About?

Here’s Why B Should Be Your Coach & Mentor

B has extensive professional, personal and spiritual life experience to benefit clients - providing mentoring, above and beyond life coaching:

She is a coach who truly walks the talk. Her own journey, lifestyle and results are a testament to what she offers. Her path has included:

Benefit from a variety of tools and techniques she customizes for you, including:

B has proven experience helping people from all walks of life to:

“If you’re on the fence about coaching with B, I fully encourage you to take the next step. I am so happy I just ‘went for it’, as I was so surprised by the results. What I thought was the problem, was in fact NOT, and B assisted me in not only identifying the true core issue, but also devising a focused and easy strategy which I only had to implement. Plus you get a recording of the session, and the recording itself was amazing to listen back to (‘did I really say that?’)…   Since our coaching session, I am no longer stuck in the negative limiting paradigm and focus on the present and I’m working on some exciting projects which work well with my current situation. So thanks for getting my life back on track B! And to everyone else; DO IT. This coaching will blow your mind and sort you out. I 100% believe the world would be a better, high vibe place if everyone had the peace of mind which Bernadette’s online life coaching brings.”

– Private Coaching Client

What Type of Coaching & Mentoring Does B Provide?

B provides Spiritual Life Coaching & Mentoring to connect you deeply to your authentic true soul Self, your needs, purpose, unique journey, and what will rapidly leverage you forward. This focuses on transforming you, your outcomes, your life and your happiness in direct alignment to what is most important to you.


The coaching process that B uses, and the dialogue, tools and action plans she will develop with you, can be applied for any specific area of your life that you wish to focus on, or can be broadly applied to every aspect of your life. You receive tailored coaching and mentoring based on your unique situation.

“Bernadette came with a glowing recommendation from a dear friend. Although I was very interested, I kept ‘researching it further’ on my to do list for about 6 months without taking any action. As it turns out, I came across her videos on Youtube and was very moved. I listened every night before bed for months. It became a huge and nourishing part of my life, a cherished ritual to level set my thinking and shift / open up my perspective. I decided to take up her coaching as an investment in myself and was so glad I did. I found Bernadette to be so insightful. Her ability to think on her feet, parse out information and get to the heart of the matter was astonishing. She is a skilled listener, was prepared for our call and offered useful follow-up notes. I found her feedback and suggestions very useful, kind and action-oriented which was right on target with my wish for the call. I am looking forward to working with Bernadette more in the future!”

– Private Coaching Client

What Your ONE MONTH Private Mentoring Package Includes:

ONE MONTH Private Mentoring with B:

Your 1st Session:

All successful change stems from a position of clarity, which informs targeted effective action. You cannot resolve a problem that is not properly defined. You cannot hit a target if you do not know what it is. Therefore, in the first session the focus is on getting PINPOINT clarity about your situation and your starting point for change, with action recommendations unique to you in order to kick start powerful transformation. It includes:

From the 1st session you will walk away with:

All follow on sessions in your package:

Between sessions:

“This is so helpful and your guidance is so valued and appreciated! I'm excited for what's already come through in this month of working together 1-on-1 and I now have a clearer path and framework for my unique work, contribution, as well as my evolution and spiritual gifts. I love and value you so much and I look forward to connecting when we can in Soul Odyssey or in a future month working together.”

– Lisa, Coaching Client

“You have equipped me with tools to get over these perpetual obstacles I have been faced with for years. You have given me gold. I will be eternally grateful to you for this. I will be eternally grateful to me for seeking, accepting, and integrating it in a way that works most naturally for me. I trust my choices. I choose to give myself space, to listen to my intuition, to honor my nervous system, to align with what I have come here to be and do.” – Kellie, Coaching Client

“B really helped me achieve a lot of clarity that I thought was not possible in a really dark time in my life. With her practical suggestions and tools that she gave me in our private coaching sessions, I was able to approach a difficult situation in my life with a lot more ease and peace. Our sessions are very to the point and thorough. She really took everything I said, no matter how small I thought it was, and we examined it. She took my words a step further and helped me figure out why I was feeling a certain way through inquiry. I feel very comfortable with B and that my information is sacred to her and feel that her sessions are very professional. These sessions have been the best investment I have made in myself and I encourage you to seek her counsel if you are having any issues in your life that have been challenging and are not easy to navigate.”

– Private Coaching Client

Start Private Coaching & Mentoring with B

Full Package Details Below

You have the flexibility to pre-book all of your package sessions now or schedule them as you go. You will receive direct access links to B's online calendar when registering below, and via email afterwards. 

1 Month Private Coaching & Mentoring with B

$ 2500
  • 4 x Weekly 1 hr Private Online Sessions
  • Comprehensive Post Session Email & Action Plan
  • Session Audios Provided (Optional)
  • Unlimited Private Coaching and Q&A Support via Email for 4 Weeks
  • Instant Booking & Scheduling
  • Available Globally

“I can’t recommend enough hiring B’s services as a coach. She is just such an amazing, loving, caring, down-to-earth, effective professional! If you want to spring board your evolution as a human being and the completion of your goals in whatever area they may be, she is an extremely valuable piece of the puzzle. The way she handles the sessions and the support she gives are the perfect motivator that will allow you to make the best of your investment, in global terms of time, energy and money. I can’t thank life enough to have gifted me with her on my path.”

– Private Coaching Client

Frequently Asked Questions About Life Coaching

Life Coaching is a process whereby a Life Coach and client connect together to address the client’s specific personal situation, challenges or goals, to define a course of action to create the results they want. This process is designed to tap the client into their fullest potential.

A Life Coach is a professional that is experienced in supporting clients in this way.

Life Coaching involves mapping out specifically what is going on, pinpointing the root cause issue of any blocks or challenges, as well as identifying the most critical components for achieving any goals you have, and then defining a unique action plan to create the desired outcomes.

Life Coaching allows a client to tap into the expertise and toolkit of an experienced Life Coach, getting insights they might otherwise not personally have, with objective guidance, in a condensed period of time, which leverages them forward and generates faster results than navigating on their own.

Life Coaching plays an important role in supporting people to overcome challenges and achieve goals, by providing:

  • A professional and confidential support system, that clients may not otherwise have.
  • An accountability and motivation mechanism for the client to follow through.

B provides Spiritual Life Coaching & Mentoring, entirely about enabling you to help yourself. Everything she focuses on is to guide you into personal empowerment, soul-alignment, self-reliance and providing you with practical tools you can use now, but also for the rest of your life.

A good Life Coach is one who will reflect back to you what you may not be able to currently see for yourself. Often you are too close to your situation to be objective.

A good Life Coach will put you back in touch with what you already know inside of yourself – cutting through the fog of thoughts and emotions you have, to zone you into what your own intuition is guiding you to do.

A good Life Coach is someone who will honor and respect that this is your life path, and you are your greatest authority. Ultimately you have to make your decisions and feel confident in the path you choose for yourself. Your Life Coach is there to help you clear away the noise, so you can more easily do so.

Life Coaching with B involves focusing on two specific changes.


  1. A shift in your paradigm, your mindset and coming into soul-alignment. You will be shown practical ways to shift your consciousness, energy, beliefs and thoughts.
  2. A practical action plan. It’s vital you have soul-alignment and a powerful mindset to create your life from, but you also need to be in regular action. You will be given a practical action plan to suit your situation, with support and motivation to follow it.

B utilizes her own exclusive methods including the Soul Journey Simplified method for soul-alignment as a foundation for everything else in your life, the Unleash Your Life method for shifting your way of being and your way of doing, the Master Your Mind method for healing your mind of limitations, and The Great Undoing for spiritual liberation.

B only provides her coaching and mentoring in one month packages now to work with people who are committed to deep and lasting change in all the ways that are most important to them. At least 4 sessions are needed, with regular connection and momentum in and between sessions to support a powerful shift forward.

The benefit of a Life Coach is that they fast forward your progress, cutting to the heart of what is really going on, in a way that you may not be able to do yourself. Often you are too close to the situation to see things clearly. 

A Life Coach will ask powerful questions that will clear away all the “clutter” and zone you in on the hot points, seeing exactly what you need to do.

A Life Coach also has an array of tips, tools, exercises and techniques that are specifically designed to help someone in your situation. These are often the result of years/decades of professional coaching experience, personal life experience, training and well tested use. You therefore benefit by getting access to those methods quickly, instead of spending your own precious time researching and playing with things, trying to find what works.

A Life Coach will also help you to see your patterns (in your behavior) as well as patterns that are playing out in your life. By identifying patterns, and being given the right tools to interrupt them, you can send your life in a fresh new direction (spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially or professionally).

And lastly, most (if not all) successful people have coaches. Athletes, performers, business people, gurus… they all had someone guiding them through key phases (if not all phases) of their journey. Even coaches have coaches! Drawing upon the wisdom and objectivity of a professional coach will help you achieve what you want more effectively and faster.

To put it simply, it’s time to hire a Life Coach if…


  • There is a gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
  • You want more from life.
  • You want to heal, learn and grow.
  • You want to be your best most authentic, soul Self.
  • You want to achieve your optimal success.
  • You don’t want to spend time and energy trying to figure it out on your own.

You can absolutely navigate your life unaided if you choose. Some people do. But if there is help available to make life easier for you, and you’re ready, it’s a powerful option.

If you are currently under the care of a healthcare professional of any kind, including for your mental and emotional wellbeing (such as a psychologist, psycho-therapist or doctor), it is highly recommended that you advise them that you are participating in Life Coaching. This ensure that everyone on “your team” is aware of what you are learning and doing.

If you are engaging in Life Coaching with B, you will be asked to agree to an online client declaration, including outlining any other support you are receiving. This is to ensure that you are helped in the best possible way, with respect for whatever professional care you are already receiving.

Life coaching is generally applicable to all areas of your life, including your professional life.

Some Life Coaches may specialize in one or the other area, and others will cover both.

Check with the Life Coach you are considering using, as to their area of expertise and experience for the specific challenges or goals you most want help with.

One of the key things that make life coaching work for a client, is their ability to relate to their Life Coach, “fit” in terms of style, personality and approach, and being able to trust the Life Coach.

When considering which Life Coach to use, take the time to read their website and supporting resources, to get a feel for who they are. Trust your gut instinct as to whether the person feels right for you.

Then, check their client testimonials. Feedback from people who have already engaged with a Life Coach is one of the best ways to ascertain if the coach is someone you feel confident working with.

Lastly, if you have specific questions, reach out to the Life Coach and ask them for whatever clarity you need in order to make a decision. A good Life Coach will respect that you are taking your decision seriously before engaging in the life coaching process.

Yes. People achieve great results with life coaching, whether it is online or in person, based not on the way the coaching is conducted (virtually or in a physical location) but on the fit between the coach and the client, and the Life Coach’s expertise, and the client’s commitment to the process.

If you are concerned about doing life coaching online, check the testimonials of former clients who have been through the same online process to see their feedback. This may help you to decide what is right for you.

  • Soul-alignment, spiritual growth, spiritual healing, aligning to your soul purpose.
  • Confidence, self-belief, self-worth, self-acceptance, self-love and self-esteem
  • Fear, anxiety, sadness, stress and overwhelm
  • Love, relationships and communication
  • Vocation, career and business success
  • Productivity, planning and effectiveness
  • Motivation, taking action and follow through
  • Expanding your consciousness and living a conscious, more enlightened life.
  • Mind mastery – changing your beliefs and thoughts
  • Mindfulness and presence
  • Dealing with strong and difficult emotions
  • Self-care and wellbeing
  • Health, healing, fitness, weight and positive body image
  • Juggling life, work-life balance
  • Dealing with money, finances, and prosperity mindset
  • Balancing your head and heart
  • Finding inner peace and happiness
  • Finding and living your purpose
  • Getting out of a rut
  • Creating positive changes
  • Making decisions
  • Letting go of the past
  • Setting and achieving goals
  • Getting organized
  • Manifesting outcomes
  • Living your aspirations and dreams

Private spiritual life coaching and mentoring with B is $2000 USD for a one month package, with 4 private sessions and unlimited private messaging support online with B in between sessions as needed.

B’s coaching is conducted via Zoom video calls. Zoom is super simple to use, and requires no special software or login.

When you book a session, you will be given a link. A few minutes before your scheduled session, simply click that link and follow the on-screen instructions to enter the room.

As the coaching sessions are video calls, so you will need to ensure you have your web cam (or built-in camera on your device) working, as well as your speakers/microphone set up and functioning.

An Important Message from Bernadette

Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

If you’re looking for leverage for rapid positive change, let me share with you how I can help you.

Quite often when people first connect with me and the free resources I offer, this is exactly what they want to know – “How can you help me go further?”

While there are a lot of incredible tools here on my website to help you, in all the years I’ve been doing this, it’s 100% clear (based purely on results) that the most powerful, rapid and transformative change I’ve created with people has come about through working together in my programs or private sessions.

There’s just no substitute for personalized support, where you get customized solutions based on your unique needs.

I’ve been on a spiritual path and personal growth journey myself now for over 25 years. So I know exactly what it’s like to be walking the path and trying to figure out your “stuff”.

I’ve read, watched, listened to and attended hundreds and hundreds of things along the way. And with hand on heart I’ll tell you – the biggest “pivot points” (where things really changed for me) always came about when I stepped out of my self-guided process momentarily and booked in to see someone. Be it a clinical psychologist, a hypnotist, a coach, or spiritual advisor.

Every time, without fail, it was worth it. Each time it helped me to pivot on the spot into more clarity, new action and positive forward movement.

I’m sure you know the pain of trying to apply generic books, audios, blogs and advice to your situation. Sometimes it’s like holding a gold nugget in your hand, but you’re blindfolded, with ear muffs on! You have no idea what you’re meant to actually DO with it.

It’s one thing to get inspired for a moment and sense possibility. It’s a whole other thing to be able to sustain that and translate it into practical action and tangible results in your own life.

I’ve seen first-hand how private sessions with me saves my clients so much time and confusion, and leverages them very quickly into a much better position.

It’s amazing how much you can achieve in just 1 hour. It’s like hitting a springboard and flying forward!

I’ve never been a particularly patient person myself when it comes to achieving outcomes for myself (everyone who knows me will attest to that!). So when I work with you in private sessions, the one thing I think about is this…

If I were in your shoes, what would I want? What would I need? And how would I get resolution of the issue or achievement of the goal ASAP?

My entire focus when I do private sessions with you is to set you up so you don’t need me anymore. I’ve crafted my free resources, my main group program and my private mentoring to ENABLE people to HELP THEMSELVES.

That’s what I want for you. For you to be empowered and practically armed with the tools you need to thrive spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, in your relationships, career/business and lifestyle or any other area.

In one-on-one sessions, we focus on shifting your inner paradigm so you see yourself, others, life and your situation differently – from the higher perspective. And crafting an action plan unique to you that takes those inner changes and sets them in motion to create tangible results in your outer circumstances.

Most often people simply don’t realize what the true root cause problem is in their situation. They expend too much energy, time and effort dealing with symptoms. It’s critical to get to the heart of what is really going on behind any issues, or behind any goal that you’re trying to achieve, in order to get best results.

Have you heard the saying, “Can’t see the wood for the trees”?

You probably know where I’m going with this… one major issue people face is they are TOO CLOSE to their issues, goals or situation in order to see it clearly. That is why an objective 3rd party is able to see it with clarity and speed. It’s not because you’re not smart and capable! It’s because anyone too closely involved to something loses the advantage of fresh, removed perspective. That’s why coaching is so popular. You leverage someone else’s vantage point to fast forward.

My clients attest to the fact that this is where I excel… I quickly pinpoint what is really going on and focus you in on solutions to address it. We literally push aside all the noise, non-essentials, distractions and confusion, going straight to the heart of things.

By the way – as well as being someone who personally likes rapid results (a nicer way of saying that I’m impatient), I’m also very practical. While it’s super important to work with new insight and shifting perspectives through conversation and exercises we do together, but it’s equally important to ensure that you have the practical know-how to implement that change in your daily life.

Where the “rubber meets the road” is when you’re out there on your own and you need to know what to DO. I’m not interested in hyped up motivation and inspiration that has no substance. I’m interested in real change that lasts, and practical ways to make that happen.

If there is something you want to resolve or achieve, and you’re done with trying to work it out on your own, book your month of private mentoring with me now and let’s leverage you forward!