Category: Spirituality & Purpose

spam filter on mind

Put a Spam Filter On Your Mind

Tired of absorbing the negativity of others around you, or negative news/media, or maybe just tired of cycling in your own negative thoughts? Here’s a

Mantra for When You Need a Miracle

When you need a miracle with a challenge you’re facing, use this short guided miracle mantra audio. Pick one challenge you’re going through right now,

Miracle Mantra for Relationships

If you’re struggling in a relationship and can’t see a way forward, use this miracle mantra audio for relationships to call upon divine support. Listen

life lessons

4 Very Important Life Lessons

I want to share with you 4 very important life lessons that were reinforced for me over the last year. These are truly foundations for

Finding your purpose

Finding Your Purpose

Finding your purpose is such a hefty mission! I’ve always thought the very statement “finding your purpose” is loaded. It makes you feel like somehow your purpose is mysterious

spiritual growth

4 Tips to Fuel Your Spiritual Growth

Do you want spiritual growth? Personally, I didn’t want to wait around for life to eventually prompt me into my spiritual growth. I developed such a passion

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