Spiritual Life Coach

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Mantra for When You Need a Miracle

When you need a miracle with a challenge you're facing, use this short guided miracle mantra audio.

Pick one challenge you're going through right now, and use that as the focus while listening to the audio.

This audio helps you to call upon divine intervention to help you have a miracle shift in your perception regarding the challenge and a miracle shift in the challenging situation itself.

Mantra for When You Need a Miracle

Dear Universe / Higher Power / Creator
In this current challenge I am facing, I know that I do not need to face it alone.
Beyond what I can see with my eyes, and beyond what my mind can understand, I am supported and guided.
I give over my frustrations and fears now, and choose to rest easy in the knowledge that love and peace are my core nature, and loving energy surrounds me.
I ask to be guided through this challenge.
Please hold me and show me the way.
Where my mind is blocking me from seeing clearly, please help me to shift my perspective.
I know I am a child of creation, connected unbreakably to all of life and that I fill an important place here.
For all the ways I have misjudged my own strength and ability, I forgive myself and choose now to own the capability and empowerment that was placed within me when I was born.
For all the ways I have judged life and resisted this challenge, I forgive myself and let this go now.
I choose to accept this challenge fully, as I know that at some level on my spiritual path it is here for a reason.
I am here to triumph in some way through this challenge, to learn, to grow and to be my best self in ways I have never been before.
I wholeheartedly accept this as a temporary phase of my life, and I know my acceptance of it, and making peace with it, is the energy that allows me to move forward past it.
As I go to sleep tonight, I surrender all upset, all fear, all resistance, and give thanks for the healing in my mind and heart that takes place as I rest tonight.
I call my soul to step forward and lead the way, guided by divine order.
I hear my intuition clearly when it speaks to me in relation to this challenge.
I give over any need to be right.
I let go of any need to get what I “think” I want or what I have deemed “should” happen.
I choose instead to call upon the power of all creation, in saying… may the highest good be done for all and I trust in the flow.
Thank you for this gift of life, including this challenge, for it buffers away any rough edges I may have, and shines me into the diamond I truly am.
I invite miracles now. With love.

3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach & Author with over a decade of experience working with clients online, both one-on-one and in groups, helping them to reconnect and align with their soul for a more purposeful, fulfilling, and magical life.

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