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Inspiring stories

Inspiring Stories from our Community

People just like you have made powerful changes in their lives – transforming their minds, deepening their relationships, healing their bodies, elevating theirs careers, and much more. Here are

make peace with your past

How to Make Peace with Your Past

Here is a simple and powerful visualization technique to make peace with your past. Try this out for yourself today, and remember consistency is key, so practice


How to Get Out of Overwhelm

Done with overwhelm? Struggling to juggle everything? Stressed out with too much to do and too little time? You’re in the right place. A Practical


Who Said You Should Have Big Goals?

For personal and professional success, we are often told to “think big”, encouraged to create a BIG vision for our life. Particularly in career/business, advice

Clear negative energy

How to Clear Negative Energy Away

Negative energy is generated through our inner workings (beliefs, thoughts, feelings), and our forms of expression and interaction in the world. We can create our

Overcome Excuses

7 Buts You Must Kick in the Butt

Your “buts” do not serve you, and it is absolutely time to give them a kick in the butt! Your “buts” limit you. They hold you prisoner.